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TDOC Linda & Lapa-1

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Event listing_ITSMF DK_eficode

Forum for IT Service Management konference 2024

Den 8. oktober holder Forum for IT Service Management i Danmark en faglig konference på Blox i hjertet af København, hvor vi tager pulsen på den ny teknologi i et Service Management perspektiv.

Event listing_L&L Value Stream DK Aarhus_eficode

Eficode & GitLab presents: Understanding value streams

We'll explore the intricacies of value streams and how to assess them within your organization. You'll learn key strategies and best practices to optimize your development processes, streamline workflows, and maximize the value delivered to your customers. Learn how to identify, analyze, and improve your value streams to enhance efficiency and drive continuous improvement.


Service Management forum Switzerland

Meet us at Service Management Forum in Zurich on October 24 and learn how artificial intelligence is redefining service management!

TDOC copenhagen 2024 - generic 700x

The DEVOPS Conference - Copenhagen

Discuss the latest trends in software development and take away actionable tips to manage the rise of AI and master platform engineering.

TDOC stockholm 2024 - generic 700x

The DEVOPS Conference - Stockholm

Discuss the latest trends in software development and take away actionable tips to manage the rise of AI and master platform engineering.

THE FUTURE OF SOFTWARE - Embracing collaboration in an AI-powered world

THE FUTURE OF SOFTWARE - Embracing collaboration in an AI-powered world

Join top experts at the conference for discussions on innovations and AI's role in enhancing business agility and software development.

Kubernetes Community Days_eficode

We're a proud gold sponsor of Kubernetes Community Days in Denmark!

Join us and a diverse group of experts to learn, network, and share knowledge on all things cloud native.

Menneet tapahtumat

A webinar banner with an illustration of a person happily walking a golden path towards the sunset.

The path to productization

Learn key strategies for successful productization, from culture shift to prioritization. Join our webinar to embark on your organization's growth journey.

Globe on the background and front of the illustration different people reflecting inclusion

Innovoi saavutettavuudella: Hyvä käyttäjäkokemus kaikille

Tule kuulemaan käytännön esimerkkejä digitaalisen saavutettavuuden parantamiseksi. Tapahtumassa käsitellään myös esteettömyysdirektiivin määräaikaa ja sitä, miten organisaatiosi voi valmistautua siihen tehokkaasti.

OTC 2024

Offshore Technology Conference 2024

Join Eficode at the Offshore Technology Conference, the global event that connects 31,000+ professionals to collaborate and share insights into technology and share expertise and best practices.