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Markus Suonto

Markus Suonto

Markus is a Cloud Architect based in Helsinki. He likes to apply the latest open-source technologies to enterprises and occasionally talks about it.

From Markus Suonto

Pulumi logo on a purple and gold throne with a crown on top

Terraform vs Pulumi - is there a new king in town?

While Terraform has reigned as the king of the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool ...

Apache Groovy versus YAML a DevOps comparison by Eficode

Is Apache Groovy or YAML better for pipelines?

People who write continuous delivery pipelines are generally divided into two ca ...


The Fab 5 for GitLab CI

A continuous integration veteran gives an account of the things you should consi ...

Selenium & Docker - Match made in heaven

Selenium, browser and test library version incompatibility issues can be quite t ...