It has come to our attention that a person (or persons) is passing themselves off as representing or affiliated with Eficode.

They have been advertising job vacancies through platforms like and CareerBuilder, among others, and reaching out to applicants posing as members of Eficode’s recruitment, human resources, and compliance teams. Somepeople have been invited for interviews, sent job offers, and even employment contracts. The fraudsters seek personal information from individuals and, in some instances, are committing mail fraud.

It can be very difficult to spot fraudulent activity. Individuals who impersonate other companies can use sophisticated and convincing methods to convince people of their legitimacy. We recommend taking the following steps to ensure you are communicating with a genuine Eficodian:

  • If you view a job ad on an Eficode-branded website, double-check that the URL is 
  • If you are viewing a job ad on another platform, we recommend you check the careers section of our website to ensure the role is being advertised by Eficode, and, where possible, apply directly to us.
  • All email communication from Eficode will come from our main Eficode domain 
  • When applying for a legitimate Eficode job, you will only be contacted by email or telephone. Under no circumstances will we ever use messaging app services. 
  • If at any time you want to check the legitimacy of communication from Eficode, you can contact our compliance team at

We take this matter very seriously and report all instances of fraud and impersonation of our company to the relevant authorities. Eficode shall not be responsible for (and expressly disclaims all liabilities for) damages arising from the use of, reference to, or reliance on any information contained within unofficial and fraudulent representations made by unauthorized persons.

About Eficode

Eficode is the leading DevOps company in Europe, driving the DevOps movement across ten countries with ideas that put customer value and team satisfaction on center stage. Eficode was doing DevOps before the term even existed by advising global brands who want their teams to make software more effectively. Today, Eficode transforms companies with unmatched DevOps expertise and builds solutions that harness automation and cloud computing. Eficode’s community of more than 600 professionals is building the future of software development together. To find out more, visit

Published: Jul 14, 2023

Updated: Jan 10, 2024

Press releaseENSecurity