Eficode’s expertise supports the development of customer experience

Companies need to meet customer expectations and preferably exceed them. Long waiting times, unclear pricing, repeated repairs and poor service are traditional examples of the obstacles that prevent body repair shops from exceeding the customer’s expectations.
“We thought about how we could make our service path even easier and smoother, so we made the decision to look for a partner who could work together with us to bring our system to the next level. We looked for the opportunity to create new value for our customers and wanted to find comprehensive competence and expertise from one partner,” says Patrik Puskala, the CEO of Autoklinikka.
Autoklinikka has exceptionally high customer satisfaction, and it has centralized all its operations. A good ERP system is one of the key factors of a successful service process.Autoklinikka wanted a system that could meet the needs of its quickly growing operations in the future. Eficode started working with Autoklinikka in late 2019 by maintaining and developing the company’s ERP system. The objectives were to automate operations, achieve cost savings and better resourcing and, first and foremost, ensure excellent customer service and improve it even further.
The challenge
Over the last decade, Autoklinikka’s revenue has increased tenfold, it has merged with Werksta, the largest body repair chain of the Nordic countries, expanded its operations to many new cities in Finland and increased its number of staff at a rapid pace. The company has made investments in repair shops, paint shops and hoists, but as its operations grew, so did the need to invest in an information system that would allow optimal operations resource allocation to ensure customer satisfaction.
The ERP system in use did meet the company’s daily operational needs, but an assessment was needed to review the opportunities of developing it further while also discovering ways of increasing cost efficiency. The goal was that the ERP would serve all aspects of the company’s operations, from customer service to the body shop staff. Maintaining the platform was one person’s responsibility, and it was evident that expanding it would not be possible without a partner.
The Autoklinikka operations handled by this system are divided into three stages, from the customer’s perspective. The first customer contact occurs when the vehicle is brought in for review, the second when it is brought in for repairs and the third when it is picked up. The company has tens of thousands of customers, which is why the system must be able to process the large amount of data and documentation generated by these contacts. Lack of testing and inadequate documentation were considered to be weaknesses in the system. Customer satisfaction was also measured annually using this system, and the company wanted to keep this functionality. They wanted to automate the system’s processes to facilitate the use of its services. The goals of the system change were to rationalize internal operations, facilitate automation and increase cost efficiency as well as improve customer experience and measure it.
“Our cooperation with Eficode is long-term and flexible. Our expectations were high and they were met. We have a vested interest in the project and we have already achieved great results. I believe that our partnership will continue to improve even further. Investing in changes pays off and the results can be seen as improved customer experience and as cost savings in the future.”
The solution
Based on references, Autoklinikka decided to request a maintainability assessment from Eficode. The assessment helped the company see which technical perspectives should be taken into account in further development of the ERP, which automations would be useful to introduce and which measures should be taken to improve data security. Based on the recommendations received through the assessment, the company started to look for a partner who could perform these improvements and support them in the long run.
The high-quality assessment process and the great cooperation with Eficode helped convince Autoklinikka, and the company decided to continue its partnership with Eficode. The system was moved to an AWS platform managed by Eficode. During the handover Eficode reviewed the service’s current practices, urgent development needs, the architecture and status of documentation together with Autoklinikka. After the handover Eficode has been able to maintain and develop the system independently. The recommended measures were carried out and both data security and functional stability were improved. The functions are now highly automated, the human error factor has been minimized and Autoklinikka has received new, customized integrations for making its operations more efficient. Eficode’s application management team provides Autoklinikka with continuous support, and the software is maintained and developed further according to the objectives agreed upon with Autoklinikka.
The benefits
Puskala says that since starting the relationships and implementing the system changes, the company’s employees now have more time to focus on the essential, everyday work has become smoother, employees’ job satisfaction has increased and, best of all, so has customer satisfaction. They have been able to free up resources and allocate them to new projects, and the continuance of the system’s life cycle has now been guaranteed.
The relationship is going smoothly. Personio has appointed a dedicated service manager along with a team that manages the maintenance duties with great software development expertise and actively shares information with Autoklinikka, helping to deepen the customer relationship even further.
What is Autoklinikka?
Autoklinikka-yhtiöt is a body damage repair shop chain established in 1992, specialized in repairing damage to car bodies and windscreens as well as damage caused by collisions. It aims to provide as effortless and high-quality a customer experience as possible when an accident occurs. Autoklinikka belongs to the Nordic Werksta Group. The company specializes in commissions by all insurance companies and serves both private and corporate clients in more than 40 repair shops across the country.
Autoklinikka’s customer satisfaction is at the top of its field (NPS 88.89%), and customer satisfaction is considered the cornerstone of all the company’s operations. Ensuring high-quality customer service is also a key reason why their system continues to be developed in cooperation with Eficode.
For further information, visit www.autoklinikka.fi/en and LinkedIn.