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Henrik Hoegh

Henrik Hoegh

Henrik is a DevOps Consultant based in Aarhus. He specializes in Docker, Kubernetes and everything Atlassian. Away from the office Henrik designs loudspeakers and takes a keen interest in quantum physics and astrophotography.

From Henrik Hoegh

The top 3 models to optimize your IT business

Here are the three most effective business models to optimize your IT business. ...

RKE logo on a cloud - blue background with hexagon pattern

Preparing RKE Kubernetes for edge computing

Installing Kubernetes with RKE is easy, but when you cut the internet connection ...

Tutorial: Snapshotting Persistent Volume Claims in Kubernetes

Sneak peak at CSI Volume snapshotting Alpha feature

How to install and Kubernetes Cluster with Rancher

A video guide to setup a highly available on-premise Kubernetes Cluster

Entrance of a vault

Manage your secrets with HashiCorp Vault

How to run HashiCorp Vault in production

Proxying Kubernetes services with Traefik

A peek into the new world of service discovery

Proxying Docker containers with Traefik

A peak into the new world of service discovery

Staci - Support Tracking And Continuous Integration

Let's automate Atlassian!