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    DevOps Sauna

    Welcome to Eficode's podcast about all things DevOps


    Podcasts about Sauna Sessions (6)

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    Sauna Sessions

    PlanetScale: GitHub for databases or stateless storage in the cloud?

    We think it's definitely the next great leap for databases. But what is PlanetScale really?

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    Oct 11, 2022 • 43 min

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    Sauna Sessions

    Sidero Talos: on-prem deployments where security is a major concern

    Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for container orchestration. What do you do when you're on-prem?

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    Sep 16, 2022 • 52 min

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    Sauna Sessions

    Platform teams

    When we say we have a DevOps team, usually we say it in terms of you build it, you run it, but what are actually the parts that you're running?

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    Aug 26, 2022 • 53 min

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    Sauna Sessions

    Why sidecar-less Cilium Service Mesh is a game-changer

    We invited Liz Rice from eBPF specialists Isovalent and former Chair of the CNCF's TOC to talk about Cilium's release 1.12, which includes service mesh.

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    Aug 4, 2022 • 45 min

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    Sauna Sessions

    Culture workshops

    DevOps is 70% culture and 30% technology. But why is it that DevOps is so strongly connected with CI/CD pipelines, shift-left security, infrastructure as code? Where is the culture?

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    Jun 15, 2022 • 39 min

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    Sauna Sessions

    Entrepreneurship to Consulting

    Adding an extra factor for a leap of faith in entrepreneurship: the value that it can bring when becoming a consultant

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    Jun 1, 2022 • 38 min

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    Sauna Sessions

    Esteettömyysdirektiivi tulee, oletko valmis?

    Esteettömyysdirektiivi edellyttää, että viranomaiset ja yksityinen sektori tekevät tietyt tuotteet ja palvelut EU:ssa esteettömiksi ja saavutettaviksi.

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    May 18, 2022 • 32 min

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    Sauna Sessions

    Using service design tools to facilitate communities of practice

    Many companies have embraced communities of practice one way or another. But unfortunately, not all of them thrive. Why is that the case?

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    May 18, 2022 • 52 min

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    Sauna Sessions

    Lost customer - Why we don't know our customer

    Why it is so easy to lose the customer in the heat of product development?

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    May 5, 2022 • 37 min

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    Sauna Sessions

    How software development leaders view DevOps and Agile

    We invited two of our software leaders, Risto and Matias to discuss DevOps and how we internally view software development.

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    Apr 26, 2022 • 38 min

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