There is no shortage of information. If you want to learn something new, there are plenty of options for data collection, for example, Eficode insights.

Depending on your personal preference, you can read or listen to books, use search engines, browse LinkedIn, ask Chat-GPT, watch YouTube videos, attend events, or ask a colleague. These methods work well for individuals who aren’t in a hurry.

However, for organization or team-wide learning, these methods aren’t enough, especially if your organization wants to develop, for example, product management skills, quality, or agile product development practices. Utilizing new skills requires a common vision and terminology.

Communication is key

The need for development may arise from unestablished terminology, for example, using different terms for the same thing or the same terms for different things. In short, time is wasted when we don’t understand each other.

If everyone learns the same terms from their own sources, no one is wrong, but communication can still be difficult. This is why it’s important for enterprises to have an internal agreement on terms.

Have you ever read about a new tool or way of working that you think could work well in your organization, but when you tell your colleagues or team, they are less excited and introduce you to an alternative way of solving the need? Change can feel heavy and awkward when the conversation branches out and focus disappears.

When you learn together, it becomes easier to implement change. In training, everyone can experience the  “aha moment,” making it easier to persuade others to try something new.

Company-specific training is a good way to get things moving when your business wants to develop its operations. With the help of training, you can get all participants on the same level concerning a particular subject.

Training is a quick way to increase awareness of a theme being developed combined with your own context.

The heart of learning lies in participants understanding the bigger picture for the organization.

The eight benefits of company-specific training

  • Interaction: Real-time conversations with coaches and other participants clarify the issue and enhance adoption.
  • Ability: Coaches supply valuable insights and share their own experiences on the issues being discussed.
  • Instant feedback: Attendees receive instant feedback on their questions. The content and emphasis of the training can be changed on the fly.
  • Group learning: Peer interactions enrich the learning experience through shared insight.
  • Practical exercises: Templates, tools, and case studies allow for practical application.
  • Engagement: Agreed schedules promote commitment to learning goals. There are no other things you can do during training.
  • Customizability: Training content can be customized to suit specific needs.
  • Consistency: Once the issues have been discussed in the training, participants develop a common terminology and view of the discussed theme.

Company-specific training is an effective way to introduce change. Learning is accelerated compared to information gathered on your own.

It’s also easy to supplement what has been learned in the training afterward from other sources. When the whole team is trained together, a uniform view of the matter and related terminology is established.

Company-specific training considers business characteristics and context, with participants obtaining theoretical knowledge and understanding how it impacts their roles and the wider business. The key to change is in the hands of your organization.

To learn more about the importance of introducing company-wide change, check out our blog post on creating an agile business.

Published: Oct 23, 2023

Software developmentAgileProduct management