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Eficode blog

If I were a CTO, I’d approach platform engineering like this

Blog Illustration – If I were a CTO, I’d approach platform engineering like this (1)-2-1-1

Become a Wu De DevOps consultant

Wu De, the virtues of the warrior, can serve as a guiding framework in many situ ...


The emotional intelligence of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) can already mimic human emotions. What separates it ...

An illustration of a man standing next to a screen with feature options such as colour selection.

Improving user experience and efficiency with a design system

A design system enhances user experience (UX) and streamlines development by pro ...

Building AI on AWS: Bedrock brings brilliant building blocks

To build AI on AWS, consider Bedrock. It is packed with features that work seaml ...

Mind the gap: The strategy for your product strategy

Creating and delivering strategies is complex; many fail due to unforeseen issue ...

Consciousness, awareness, and the intellect of AI

How human-like is artificial intelligence? In this blog post, we explore the con ...

10 levels of Git aliases: Advanced and beyond

Continuing from the basics in part 1, we investigate how deep you can go with Gi ...

Considerations for RAG systems in product and service development

Adopting GenAI tools and methods to internal ways of working requires action. Th ...

CITCON Europe 2024: A closer look at AI

If you missed our talk on AI at CITCON Europe 2024, you can read all about it he ...