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If I were a CTO, I’d approach platform engineering like this

Blog Illustration – If I were a CTO, I’d approach platform engineering like this (1)-2-1-1

Considerations for RAG systems in product and service development

Adopting GenAI tools and methods to internal ways of working requires action. Th ...

Jira Software and Jira Work Management have merged

Discover how Jira's merger enhances team collaboration with new features for str ...

Building AI on AWS: Overcoming the 5 mistakes that kill AI initiatives

Even though AI is relatively new and a bit of a Wild West, we can already see th ...

Internal Developer Platforms: Learnings from the DEVOPS CONFERENCE 2023 panel

How does building Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs) support DevOps? What are t ...

Crossplane vs terraform

Crossplane is great, but what about critical infrastructure?

Crossplane vs. Terraform. Managing critical infrastructure with Crossplane requi ...

Migrating from Atlassian server to cloud: practical advice for each stage

Useful tips to make your migration from Atlassian Server to Cloud a success. Imp ...

Internal developer platforms: What they are and why you need one

If you don't have one yet, you will most likely need an internal developer platf ...

How to review your AWS Well-Architected Framework: A quick guide

You quick guide to the AWS Well-Architected Framework, and how to perform a revi ...

Maintaining DevOps tools on AWS: 5 steps for ultimate efficiency

How to maintain all your DevOps tools in AWS in a way that gets the most out of ...